CCAR Bushwacker Trend 65S
Tattoo: 65S
Registration #: 15998550
Calved:  3/8/06
Birth Weight: 78
V D A R Bushwacker 3044
B C C Bushwacker 41-93
Paramont Ambush 2172
R C Anita T Bando 918903
VDAR Lass 9527
V D A R New Trend 36
V D A R Lass 3161
CCAR Muscle Bar Trend 87E V D A R New Trend 882
V D A R New Trend 315
V D A R Pine Drive Lucy 7
CCAR Muscle Bar Trend 75B
V D A R New Trend 817
Clay Creek Muscle Bar 30X
+3.8 .35
+39 .25
+13 .13
+61 .11

Adjusted Weaning Weight: 646

CCAR Bushwacker Trend 65S sires highly desirable calves that are long and deep bodied.

His sons put extra pounds on their calf crop and are full of natural muscle.


Grand Sire: B C C Bushwacker 41-93
Calved 09/24/93 •#12048084[AMF-NHF]



   For more information contact

Jim and Lori French @ Clay Creek Angus  

(307) 762-3541 
3334 Road 14 Greybull WY 82426