Tattoo: 39D
Registration #: 12434965
Calved:  2/2/95
Birth Weight: 78
V D A R New Trend 817 V D A R New Trend 315 A A R New Trend
V D A R Lucy 704
V D A R Pine Drive Lucy 7 Pine Drive Big Sky
V D A R Lucy 329
C C Marshall Muscle 112Z Clay Creek Marshall 129N Clay Creek Bar Lad 41L
Clay Creek Marshall 15K
Shoshone Muscle 281 I B 5 Muscle 79N-1101
Shoshone Beaconette NPZ3
+3.3 .61
+33 .49
+14 .55
+59 .43

Adjusted Weaning Weight: 707
Adjusted Yearling Weight:

CCAR New Trend 39D was the High Indexing AND High Gaining Bull at the 95-96 WBCIA test gaining 4.48 pounds per day and indexing at 127.

Feed conversion, easy fleshing, meat and muscle are among the traits found in CCAR New Trend 39D

   For more information contact

Jim and Lori French @ Clay Creek Angus  

(307) 762-3541 
3334 Road 14 Greybull WY 82426